
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Moments of a memory...

 I saw her walking along the barely lit cobbled path..

.. along the long faded remnants of glory long past ..

… Under her feet, the road once magnificent lay broken …

… The dead hedges to some forgotten beauty lay a gray token…

She paused, hesitating, in front of a broken wicker gate…

Wondering perhaps on the propriety of a visit so late…

She stared at the house, damaged beyond remedies …

… Amidst nettles, brambles, dried leaves and dead trees…

She stood a while, lost in thought watching the flickering light…

… coming through the cracked door from a source beyond sight…

… Closing her eyes to the pallor and gloom, as she smiled wistfully…

… tears streamed down her cheeks, divulging her melancholy …

Of laughter and innocent fun, a long lost and forgotten memory…

… touched her heart, maybe a bit sweet and little savoury …

… of swings, sunsets, rainbows or games of hide-and-seek…

… long buried under the present day desolation so bleak…

…The smile faded, the tears ebbed, her face was now serene…

As she moved towards the house covered with ivy dark green…

Reaching the door, she raised her first, as if to softly knock…

… but stopped midway… her hand dropped like a rock…

…She abruptly opened the clasp of her dear designer purse…

Shaking her head, as if waking from a hazy foggy dream…

Taking a few notes, she placed them gently on the floor …

… and away she walked, purposefully, her back now to the door…

Hot or bitter, sweet or savoury the days of past are long gone…

Change is as true as the end of a night heralds a glorious morn…

These were the words of wisdom, in her voice, or so I heard her say…

As she walked off towards the bright walkways of the current day…